(posted June 12,  2003)
Caption Submission Deadline -  July 5, 2003




Every two weeks or so we post up a new in-game photo for everyone to create a humorous, non-insulting (yea, I know, takes some of the fun out of it), caption. The top five submissions (in the humble opinion of your web host) are then voted on by ya'll. The player who submitted the winning entry gets 2 Karma points and the two runners-up each get a Karma Point. (Karma may be assigned to any of your characters.)

When we post a new picture we'll announce the deadline for entries.At the same time a new image will be posted for the next contest. Exciting, eh?




Your Name:
(very important!)



Past Winners!  

All Material (c)1997 - 2003, Alex Gray/The Gateway Chronicles. All Rights Reserved.
Website Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 by Tom Dowd -- AMAZON.COM is the registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc.






Vote For Your
Favorite Caption!

(posted February 20,  2003)
Caption Submission Deadline -  July 5, 2003


Select Caption...
"Did you say Gobling Balls?!?"
"HUMMM These cookies are so good! What did you say they were made from Segial?"
"The Lady ponders what it is exactly the simple folks do."
"Is this a snack tray I see before me, crackers towards my hand. Come! Let me nibble thee."
"Your magic berries, Zayven?  Nope, haven't seen them <gulp>"




All Material (c)1997 - 2003, Alex Gray/The Gateway Chronicles. All Rights Reserved.
Website Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 by Tom Dowd -- AMAZON.COM is the registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc.







And The Winners Are...


Runner Up
"So let me get this straight, two dark elves walk into a bar..."
- Ben


Heh. Should have recognized Rob's wit and saved
myself some time digging through the
emails. Congrats Rob! And Ben too!


PICTURE #26 (posted October 30,  2002)



"So, it was about *this long* before I cut it off and..."
-Rob Nicholls


All Material (c)1997 - 2003, Alex Gray/The Gateway Chronicles. All Rights Reserved.
Website Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 by Tom Dowd -- AMAZON.COM is the registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc.









Pix #25 (May  2002)
"Beer:2 coppers, Wine:3 coppers, Mead:4 coppers, What the bartender has under his kilt: Priceless."
-Vicki Martin

Pix #22
(January 2002)
"I'm the GM, and I'm telling you it's THIS big!"
-Kevin Stein

Pix #23 (May 2002)
"I'm not grabbing him, you grab him... Hey I know! Get Vincent he'll grab anything."
-Rob Wilson

Pix #24 (May 2002)
"The Diviner said one of us doesn't have long to live.  So, WHY NOT ?!?".
-Mike Skyhorse

Pix #19 Late June 2001

"So Hunter, what do you think of the idea of crazy naked mage day?"
- Vicki Martin

Pix #20 July 2001


Pix #21 Dec. 31, 2001
"Thank you for your audition as Master Ambrose, Mr. Blumberg, but we had something different in mind..."
-Curt Martin

Pix #16 November 13, 2000
"These two are my favorites!  I call this one 'Alex' and this other one 'Tom' "
- Mike Skiyhorse

Pix #17 Late November 2000
"Gateway street ruffians protecting their turf from marauding Nero gangs"
- Marc Blumberg

Pix #18 June 2001


Pix #13-  September 16, 2000
"Kithkirian..."I look MARRRVOOLOUS..."
Hunter..."Here we go again..."
-Omar Gonzales

Pix #14  October 6, 2000
"Out of the way mortal! I am charged with rowing this chair across Thallarin!"
-Marc Blumberg

Pix #15  October 30, 2000
"Jacko presents another happy couple on "Who Wants To Marry A Wood Elf?""
-Marc Blumberg

Pix #10 August 4, 2000
"The same thing we do every night, Xander!   Try to take over the Duchy of Vathos!"
-Curt Martin

Pix #11-  August 18, 2000
"So I tell Alex 'No freaking way am I playing a  mime' and he says..."
-Curt Martin

Pix #12-  September 1, 2000
"So, Arthur Hero of the Realm, how much for the little girl?"
-Eileen Malony

Pix #7 June 23, 2000
"Alex, I'm going to hold my breath until I get the new Naming rules!"
- Marc Blumberg 

Pix #8, June 30, 2000
"Owl, the inscription is in High Elven. It says, 'Do not taunt happy fun ball.'
- Mike Shoenberger

Pix #9 July 14, 2000
"Oh look, he's got his father's tentacles."
- Vicki Martin

Picture #4, April 28, 2000
"Okay, you have to hold on real tight if I'm going to cast my fly spell... Tighter...  Oh yeah..."
Josh Rowe

Pix #5, June 10, 2000
"Your magic berries, Zayven?  Nope, haven't seen them <gulp>."
- Mike Skyhorse

Pix #6 June 16, 2000
"Captain, you're cute, but I still won't let your regiment stay at my estate."
- **The** Bob Hollister 

Pix #1 April 7, 2000
"What do you mean you couldn't get the Pikachu? I MUST HAVE THEM ALL!" 
- Chad Brinkley

Picture #2 April 14, 2000
Hi, we are with the Census department. Do you have Latent Magic?
- Alex Gray

Picture #3 April 21, 2000
"Kevin wanted to be first in line for the Lord of the Rings movie." 
- Alex Gray

All Material (c)1997 - 2003, Alex Gray/The Gateway Chronicles. All Rights Reserved.
Website Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 by Tom Dowd -- AMAZON.COM is the registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc.